Castillo de Xativa
2 horas
We speak

Special Protocol Covid-19

  • The guide shall be equipped with appropriate protective equipment to ensure the safety of the group and to create an image of trust, as stipulated in the regulations in force at the time of the action. Initially these will be: mask covering nose and mouth, use hydroalcoholic gel. Participants shall wear mandatory protective equipment, depending on the regulations established for the time of the action. The protection will be contemplated in a multidirectional way, both from the guide towards the participants, and of course between the participants themselves.
  • The guide shall offer hydroalcoholic gel to sanitize the hands of the persons involved at the beginning of the route, also considering its use in the event that they accidentally come into contact with any surface during the course of the route, or simply when they request it.
  • At the beginning of each ROUTE the safety protocols will be explained in a brief and concise way: interpersonal distance of 1m50 / 2 meters, and avoid any physical contact with any surface or other people in the course of the activity and its different stops.
  • The maximum capacity allowed for any of the visits is 25 people outdoors and 15 people indoors. It is recommended to book in advance.

Xàtiva, ciudad histórica y monumental, ciudad de las mil fuentes, ciudad de los Borja, ciudad quemada, humillada y renaciente, porque siempre ha resistido y revivido. 

Pocas ciudades pueden presumir de tan larga historia, pues íberos, romanos, visigodos, árabes y cristianos pasaron por aquí dejando su huella. Aunque su imponente castillo es la primera imagen impactante al acercarse a la ciudad, para el viajero que disfruta visitando centros históricos medievales y calles señoriales, Xàtiva es la mejor opción cerca de València, con la cual llegó a rivalizar durante siglos hasta el punto de que la Colegiata de Santa María tiene dimensiones cercanas a la de la catedral valenciana.

A ello hay que sumar, además, que Xàtiva fue el lugar de nacimiento de dos papas, pertenecientes a la conocida y legendaria familia Borja, agrandando su nombre. Un nombre que perdió, sin embargo, en la guerra de Sucesión (S. XVIII), cuando sufrió su mayor humillación, respondida por la ciudad hoy en día con el cuadro de Felipe V, que cuelga invertido en su interesante museo de Bellas Artes.

Así pues ¿con qué Xàtiva te quedas? Visita Xàtiva con tu guía oficial para aprovechar al máximo el paseo por sus calles. Te llevamos de la mano para hacer de tu visita una auténtica experiencia cultural.


Where we will meet

Special Protocol Covid-19

  • The guide shall be equipped with appropriate protective equipment to ensure the safety of the group and to create an image of trust, as stipulated in the regulations in force at the time of the action. Initially these will be: mask covering nose and mouth, use hydroalcoholic gel. Participants shall wear mandatory protective equipment, depending on the regulations established for the time of the action. The protection will be contemplated in a multidirectional way, both from the guide towards the participants, and of course between the participants themselves.
  • The guide shall offer hydroalcoholic gel to sanitize the hands of the persons involved at the beginning of the route, also considering its use in the event that they accidentally come into contact with any surface during the course of the route, or simply when they request it.
  • At the beginning of each ROUTE the safety protocols will be explained in a brief and concise way: interpersonal distance of 1m50 / 2 meters, and avoid any physical contact with any surface or other people in the course of the activity and its different stops.
  • The maximum capacity allowed for any of the visits is 25 people outdoors and 15 people indoors. It is recommended to book in advance.

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