Les reenviamos el correo que nos ha remitido Domingo Hernández, Manager de Social Media.
«Buenos días, 
A partir del día 15 de este mes el número de teléfono que tenían para poder comunicarse conmigo va a cambiar, antes era el 629850692, a partir de ese día el nuevo número de teléfono será el 658 757 459, también voy a poner un poco de orden en cuanto a los envíos de información, la gente podrá seguir enviando sus fotos comunicados y demás pero el horario para poder hacerlos públicos en redes sociales y demás será de 9 de la mañana a 19:00 de la tarde, y será de lunes a viernes, los fines de semana salvo temas puntuales de importancia, se trasladarán a un horario más adecuado. A partir de esa hora las noticias y comunicaciones que entren pasarán al día siguiente, incluso mis respuestas.
Esta decisión simplemente es por mantener un poco de salud mental, por eso les pido que divulguen esta noticia a todos los asociados y asociaciones ya que a partir de ese día el anterior número no recibirá comunicación alguna de trabajo».
El Comité entiende esta decisión y, nos gustaría que cada Asociación tuviera una persona o dos, que sean los que le envíen noticias y hagan de interlocutores con el equipo de Social Media.

Dear FEG members,

We have been informed that ISO is now working on a standard on «Adventure Tourism».
There are two documents, which are still considered as drafts and the deadlines for sending comments on them to ISO are here below:

1) ISO/DIS 3163 – Terminology (that surely has mistakes confusing guides and tour leaders), deadline for comments and voting till 5th of July 2021 and 
2) ISO/DIS 3021 – Hiking and trekking activities — Requirements and recommendations with the actual standard
with deadline till the 20th July 2021
Comments on them both are planned to be drafted by some of us and sent via our national standardisation bodies asap, till the beginning of July.

I was informed that ISO must take into consideration any comments sent to them by the country-members of ISO, they cannot ignore them.

I plan to work on the two docs for comments next week myself.

I attach the ISO template for comments the Greek ELOT sent me, in case you don’t have it.

However, I cannot send you the two draft ISO docs mentioned above, because they are internal confidential documents and you have to ask them from your own national standardisation body with their code numbers, if you are willing to help with this.
We better send from as many countries’ possible our comments to ISO via our own standardisation bodies, before they vote and approve the draft standard as it is now.

There were 3 previously existing ISO standards for Adventure Tourism from previous years, which unfortunately we did know of. Now it seems that they are re-evaluating them.
It seems from the standard title that this may not concern us as tourist guides, but the terminology used in it is of high importance for our profession and of course, we do not want ISO to re-invent the wheel here.
We hope it is not too late to amend at least some serious mistakes on terminology now.

Also, WFTGA is an ISO member, and we as FEG are already CEN members for Europe.
So, since our own national standardisation bodies are willing to support us on these comments to be sent, we’ll take advantage of that and take action this way, instead of having FEG involved, as we recently did in other CEN standard on the covid-19 protocols.

So the request for all is:
If you already have a good contact with your national standard bodies, please ask them:
1) Not to rush and vote they approve for them, if you haven’t checked them first as tourism experts
2) Ask them to send you the two ISO draft docs above, which are internal and confidential.
I should not share them with all FEG members myself. 

Let us know what the outcome is, if you decide and can help with this.

Thanks in advance!

Efi Kalampoukidou, Dipl.
Qualified Tourist Guide in English, German & Greek

President of European Federation of Tourist Guide Associations (FEG)

Manifesto alliance – PRESS RELEASE – Travel and Tourism Exit Strategy



El grupo de trabajo de ISTO sobre Turismo Accesible lanza su documento con recomendaciones sobre medidas de apoyo a personas con discapacidad en tiempos de Covid-19 – Organisation internationale du tourisme socialhttps://isto.international/cp_news/istos-working-group-on-accessible-tourism-launches-document-with-recommendations-regarding-health-measures-due-to-covid-19/?lang=es

Dear FEG members,
We are happy to offer the new live webinar series on «Internet Marketing for Tourist Guides» to your association members.It will be delivered for the second time, after its success in 2020, by our FEG accredited trainer Radoslaw Szafranowitz-Maloziec and BrandNew.Guide.
Take advantage of the time you currently have, to create and manage your business website, that sells your tourist guide services. It’s a process and needs time, but when your professional life is back to normal again, you will have your Internet marketing tools ready:

Create your professional email & website
Find tools which help promote & sell your service
Find ways to increase sales and earn more money
This webinar course and the certification are designed with the end goal of training tourist guides to deliver a high-quality internet presence with scope to receive the highest ratings from customers.
FEG will issue a Certificate of Attendance to all participants who complete the course, which counts towards your CPD hours.

Please forward this email to all your members and check out the relevant info and registration on the link here below:

Don’t miss it!

FEG has some exciting news regarding the European Cultural Routes; if you haven’t already seen it, here’s the link to the related Blog:

From now on, many more EU funds than before will be directed towards the regions for training, investments and supporting among other sectors, sustainable tourism and digitalisation.FEG associations who wish to take advantage of that will have to watch all of their regions’ funding programmes and announcements and perhaps create clusters with  other relevant stakeholders for their members to benefit from it.See in the press release below about the different EU funded programmes:

Why is EU funding for regions important? | News | European ParliamentWhy is EU funding for regions important? | News | European ParliamentEU funding will help regions recover from the Covid crisis, whilst reducing disparities, making them greener and creating jobs.

FEG The impact of Brexit on the freedom of movement of professionals and on the market for professional service

Circular 041/2021: Reconstruyendo el turismo y el viaje: Red de Innovación Social para PYMEs.
«Informe ObservaTUR Verano 2021: Hábitos y comportamientos del Turista Nacional.»
Presentación del proyecto de SELECTRA. Se adjunta el PDF con la landing linkada e incluida: https://ww.selectra.es/selectra-cefapit
Circular 042/2021: Opinión y Big Data para entender al Turista Internacional.
Circular 043/2021: «Turismo: ¿Se va la Organización Mundial del Turismo de España?”
Circular 044/2021: BOE de 29 de junio de 2021. Modificación de los criterios de restricción temporal de viajes no imprescindibles desde terceros países a la Unión Europea
Circular 045/2021: Christie & Co. Mercado Hotelero Español – Destinos Vacacionales.
Circular 046/2021: COFIDES – Fondo de recapitalización de empresas afectadas por la COVID-19

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