Visita a Calpe
2 h
We speak
Español, Inglés, Francés

Special Protocol Covid-19

  • The guide shall be equipped with appropriate protective equipment to ensure the safety of the group and to create an image of trust, as stipulated in the regulations in force at the time of the action. Initially these will be: mask covering nose and mouth, use hydroalcoholic gel. Participants shall wear mandatory protective equipment, depending on the regulations established for the time of the action. The protection will be contemplated in a multidirectional way, both from the guide towards the participants, and of course between the participants themselves.
  • The guide shall offer hydroalcoholic gel to sanitize the hands of the persons involved at the beginning of the route, also considering its use in the event that they accidentally come into contact with any surface during the course of the route, or simply when they request it.
  • At the beginning of each ROUTE the safety protocols will be explained in a brief and concise way: interpersonal distance of 1m50 / 2 meters, and avoid any physical contact with any surface or other people in the course of the activity and its different stops.
  • The maximum capacity allowed for any of the visits is 25 people outdoors and 15 people indoors. It is recommended to book in advance.

Calpe está enclavado en la comarca de la marina alta, y su fundación data de época ibera. Sus playas de fina arena, junto a sus características climáticas, hacen el lugar ideal para disfrutar de unas merecidas vacaciones.

Sin duda, uno de los hitos más importantes de Calp, es el Peñón de Ifach, parque natural desde 1986. El peñón de Ifach ha sido el faro para las antiguas civilizaciones, que eligieron Calp como asentamiento, gracias a la riqueza de los recursos existentes en la zona.

Una de las características que distinguen a Calp, son los murales, mosaicos y relojes de sol que encontramos decorando algunas de las fachadas del casco antiguo.

No dejes de visitar sus museos, además de incontables vestigios correspondientes a distintos periodos: asentamiento íbero en el peñón, ciudad romana, conjunto termal y piscifactoría, y el asentamiento medieval de la pobla de Ifach.

Calpe también destaca por sus espacios naturales: en primer lugar las salinas, actual paraje natural y hábitat de una importante colonia de flamencos entre distintas aves migratorias que allí conviven, y la sierra de Oltà, verdadero pulmón de Calpe que nos ofrece diversas posibilidades de ocio.

Como pueblo de tradición marinera, no dejes de degustar las especialidades culinarias calpinas. Su Arròs de Senyoret y la llauna de Calp se han convertido en las delicias de miles de visitantes.

How to book

A través del teléfono 693771105 o en el e-mail

Para visitas en otros idiomas consúltenos.

Where we will meet

Sábados a las 18:30 Casa de la Cultura de Calp “Jaume Pastor i Fluixà”. Av. Masnou, 1, 03710 Calp, Alicante

Special Protocol Covid-19

  • The guide shall be equipped with appropriate protective equipment to ensure the safety of the group and to create an image of trust, as stipulated in the regulations in force at the time of the action. Initially these will be: mask covering nose and mouth, use hydroalcoholic gel. Participants shall wear mandatory protective equipment, depending on the regulations established for the time of the action. The protection will be contemplated in a multidirectional way, both from the guide towards the participants, and of course between the participants themselves.
  • The guide shall offer hydroalcoholic gel to sanitize the hands of the persons involved at the beginning of the route, also considering its use in the event that they accidentally come into contact with any surface during the course of the route, or simply when they request it.
  • At the beginning of each ROUTE the safety protocols will be explained in a brief and concise way: interpersonal distance of 1m50 / 2 meters, and avoid any physical contact with any surface or other people in the course of the activity and its different stops.
  • The maximum capacity allowed for any of the visits is 25 people outdoors and 15 people indoors. It is recommended to book in advance.

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